
To Build A Fire Protagonist

By  Alessandro

10659152_844793488888037_1985401570972656319_n * A 5th Semester pupil

A human being, along with his dog, wanted to get to a mining army camp where his friends had been waiting for him. He knew that once he got to the mining campsite, he would enjoy delicious bacon and the warmth of campfires. Before the homo fabricated his journey, an one-time-timer reminded that under no circumstance should i get to Yukon. Nevertheless, the man ignored the advice owing to his notion that the old timer was just womanish and powerless. He knew that there was no sunday while he was traveling. The absence of the sun did not seem to worry the human. It was only the canis familiaris who appeared to perceive the danger of the very cold weather in Yukon. The human was adequately shocked when his saliva had frozen even before it hit the ground. The man did not know how crazily cold the weather could be. He began to be more than aware of the weather as his fingers went numb. He stopped for a while to build a fire to experience the warmth information technology could radiate. While he was sitting, he idea how dandy and brave he was to travel alone in Yukon when nobody else dared. The canis familiaris, on the other mitt, kept wondering whether they had to continue the journeying on such an undoubtedly cold 24-hour interval. The dog did not want to go out the warmth radiated by the burn when the human being got up to continue walking. The man harshly forced the dog to leave the fire somehow.


As the man was walking, he broke through the ice unintentionally. Accordingly, his legs were wet and he felt like his legs were frozen. There was aught else he wanted to practice other than to build a fire. He took out his match from his pocket while looking for a place to sit downward for a while. The colder the weather was, the more he was reminded of the erstwhile-timer from sulfur creek.

Ascension Activeness
The man was sitting under a spruce tree whose branches were covered by clumps of snow. As he was feeling the warmth of the fire, the heat of the fire caused the clumps of snow to melt. As a result of this, the clumps of snow fell down, putting out the fire. He stopped to think how unlucky he was because the burn he congenital was gone. Also, he also thought how stupid he had been for not being aware of the spruce tree with clumps of snow on its branches. His fingers were so numb that it was very hard for his fingers to make movements. He attempted to build a fire once again. He took out his box of matches. He could non fifty-fifty take a single match from the box because of his very cold fingers. What he did instead was to take a single match from the box by means of his teeth. However hard he tried to light information technology, he could not. Having no other choice, he tried to light all the matches simultaneously. Consequently, he successfully congenital a fire. He no sooner did a stupid thing than he built a fire. Because of his abandon, he scattered them and the fire was pathetically gone.


He did not have any lucifer to build a fire anymore. He realized that there was no other way he could build a burn down, making him experience profoundly desperate. The state of affairs got much more than serious than before. He had to find what could possibly make his trunk warm one way or another. Otherwise, he would inevitably die. Then, he plant a crazily bright idea to kill the dog and so that he could put his hands inside the dog'south warm body. He looked at the dog advisedly and called out to him. The dog seemed to ignore the man, but suddenly the dog approached the man after the dog had been frightened enough by the man's fearful vocalisation. He tried to tackle the dog and kill it past attempting to give a killer bear hug. He failed anyhow. The next attempt was to impale the dog by means of his knife. Without his flexible fingers, he could not use the knife to kill the dog. He let the domestic dog go and ended up giving up killing the canis familiaris. He tried to run to the mining campsite as fast every bit he could in hopes of restoring the blood apportionment in his body. The camp was not so far abroad from the human at that fourth dimension. All he wanted was to get to the camp and cake out the thought that he would dice soon plenty. Unfortunately, he felt that his feet began to get frozen. He could not run anymore and decided to have a rest for quite some time. Having had enough residuum, he forced himself to walk. He soon vicious down once again. Panicking, he run again for the last fourth dimension. He fell down again miserably.

Falling Action

As the man knew that he had no other style to succeed in getting to the mining campsite, he decided to meet death with dignity. He remembered that the told-timer from sulfur creek reminded him about the danger of traveling alone in Yukon when information technology was too common cold. He could detect himself beingness surrounded by his friends from mining army camp. He genuinely admitted that the quondam timer was completely right and yet he did not seem to experience regretful for what he had done so far. Having fabricated this sincere admission, he died.

To build a fire


The dog was nevertheless sitting abreast the human being. Never had the canis familiaris seen a man sitting that mode in such a very common cold solar day without edifice a fire. The dog was dislocated about what exactly was going on. The dog looked at the human being very closely and smelled the death on the man. Afterward that, the dog howled and soon run towards the mining camp where it knew it could enjoy bacon and the warmth of fire.


The man: The character of the human is confidently stubborn because he ignores a piece of advice from the old-timer. Besides, he is so perseverant that he keeps trying despite difficulties. The human being is the protagonist in the story, pregnant that he is the primary character of the story. He is in external conflict with the nature. The nature, therefore, is considered to be the adversary. There are a lot of pocket-size chances made past the nature to kill the man. The man seems to as well have internal disharmonize with himself because he does non desire to feel regretful for ignoring the one-time-timer's advice. He tries as best he could to prove that he has made a right decision to ignore that advice. The development of the man is static since he has changed nothing from the very first to the end of the story. He remains stubborn throughout the story. The appearance of this character is major because he is the protagonist and plays a very important role in the story. The side of the man is flat. The man does not encounter many characters so it is not easy to get solid testify for the human being'due south flat side. However, looking at the man'southward character in the story, it tin be said that it is flat. In improver, the character is not described in item.

The dog: The dog is quite true-blue to the human because he accompanies the human to travel in Yukon in spite of the danger. The dog has no disharmonize in this story. The development of this grapheme is the aforementioned with the man, which is static. The dog has made no changed at all. The appearance of the dog is major because it is always together with the man, who is the master graphic symbol of the story. The side of the dog is flat. The dog always accompanies the human being and has shown different attitude towards no body.

The erstwhile-timer from sulfur creek: The old-timer is a wise and caring person. The one-time-timer is in no disharmonize. That the onetime –timer gives communication to the human being is no conflict whatsoever. The development of this grapheme is static considering the old timer remains the same all the time. The appearance of this grapheme is modest as the old-timer does not appear in the story as much as the man and the domestic dog do. The side of the old-timer is flat. Despite the minor advent in the story, the old-timer tin be considered as a wise human. A wise human being mostly shows the aforementioned mental attitude towards everybody.

The boys (the friends waiting in the military camp): The boys have no particular character. The boys practice not take whatsoever disharmonize. The development of the boys' character is static because they are waiting in the camp all the fourth dimension and at that place is no reason to say that their characters take changed. The appearance of the boys is modest because they only come at the end of the story. They seem to have met no body. It is evident to say that their side is flat.

Bespeak of view

The story uses the third point of view instead of the showtime indicate of view because the narrator does not employ the pronoun 'I'. That pronoun is used when the story uses the outset point of view, in which the narrator takes a part in the story. This story does not use the pronoun 'I'; therefore, it uses the third betoken of view. The indicate of view in this story is not express but all-seeing for some reasons. The narrator seems to know everything in the story. Not only does the narrator know what is happening, but also what the characters are thinking virtually. "The dog knew that information technology was no time for traveling" proves why the narrator is omniscient. "He paused for breath at the top, excusing the act to himself by looking at his watch" is another proof. The omniscience of the narrator can besides exist seen by how the narrator judges the homo, making the readers feel that the narrator knows everything near the man before he dares to judge. The narrator in this story is heterodiegetic because the narrator is not involved in the story at all.


Place: The stoker takes place in Yukon, a place somewhere in Alaska. The setting is really important in the story. The readers can experience how cold the weather in Yukon is. When the narrator tells that the fingers of the man went numb, the readers begin to imagine what it feels like. The setting plays an of import role since information technology non only makes the readers emotionally involved in the story, but likewise makes the readers physically feel what the human is feeling in the story. There is a relevancy between the setting and the title. If the setting were in a place with hot weather, it would not make so much relation to the title "To build a fire".

Time: It is during the great Klondike Golden Rush when there were a very large number of people who were eager in search of fortune.

Social: As a thing of fact, the social setting of this story does not draw whatsoever strong social value. How everybody behaves in the story is not different from nigh people in the earth. The social setting in this story is not much of a particular social setting.

Tone and Manner

The tone used by the narrator in this story is candid and unemotional. The narrator tells everything every bit the way they are, without much emotion involved. Sometimes, the narrator is subjective to some extent. The narrator judges the man based on what the narrator thinks. The writing style used past Jack London as the writer is straight and straightforward. The writer tells almost everything to the point whereas other writers tend to make things quite complicated and then that information technology requires the readers to think critically. Despite the straightforward writing way, the sentence structure and the words brand the readers imagine the situation in the story very vividly. Consequently, the readers feel equally if there were in story and could position themselves equally the human in the Yukon.


In this story, fire represents life. The story makes the readers somehow experience how important fire is. The homo tries as hard every bit he could to build a fire because he knows that the presence of fire is what could make him survive in such a cold day. Fire is definitely essential, which is why the absence of it could bring misfortune to the homo.

Hands, on the other hand, stand for ability. The human could not kill his domestic dog because of his numb hands. I is powerless and caught without having much control of easily.


The theme of this story is near persistence. It suggests that persistence is necessary while achieving a goal. The man is surely persistent to get to the mining camp, only his being unaware of his surroundings puts him in danger. He is also overly confident and stubborn to have ignored the old-timer'southward advice. No matter how hard i tries to get something, if the target does not make sense and is not realistic, he volition neglect ane manner or another. One needs to exist persistent and aware of his environs.

Other of import things to talk over

Type of organization in the story is foreshadowing. The story uses foreshadowing because at that place are a number of hints of what is going to happen adjacent in the story. One of the hints is when the readers are told most the dog's instinct that it is better not to travel in Yukon in such a cold solar day. The second one is the old-timer's communication that under no circumstance should one go to Yukon without companion when it is very cold. In the middle of the story, the readers are made surer virtually the trueness of the earlier hints considering of coincidentally unlucky occurrences the man experiences. The use of foreshadowing in this story is amazingly perfect considering it builds up the climax.

The title of the story is to build a fire. The title is in to infinitive form instead of gerund form. This virtually likely suggests that it focuses more on the effort to build a fire rather than the success in building a burn. On the other mitt, it also means that the process of building a burn down is unfinished.


"To build a fire" is a very nice story to read. Not only does it take a plot which is well congenital, but it also has a deep meaning or a moral lesson to convey. Seldom could such a story exist found in these days. The utilise of foreshadowing is amazingly perfect since it builds up the climax. This story teaches the readers that not only is one supposed to be persistent, but also aware of ane'due south surroundings. Persistence and sensation of surroundings have their own power and seem to complement each other. There is no incertitude in mind why Jack London was famous and admired past readers loving to read works of literature. It makes the readers enjoy the paradise of literature. The analyzer of this newspaper knows that this analysis is far from perfection. Therefore, any kind of correction is warmly welcome.

To Build A Fire Protagonist,


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